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World Tea Market Reports China as the Largest Exporter

By Snehal Singh , 19 April, 2023

The World Tea Conference and Expo is one of the largest annuals gathering of the global tea industry. Recently it took place in Las Vegas for the year 2023 in the month of March. By bringing together merchants, suppliers and other professionals in the industry, World Tea Expo welcome the guests and speakers along with the exhibitors from all corners of the world. This included China, India, Japan, Sri Lanka and as well as Kenya.

According to the reports, the disposable incomes of consumers has allowed the tea manufacturers to introduce premium as well as health-oriented products. Even they are adding healthy ingredients to their organic tea formulations so as to get some benefits for common health conditions like obesity, diabetes, heart problems etc. Thus, nowadays organic tea has become an emerging trend with positive impact on the growth of tea market.

As per the survey reports, the global tea market size reached USD 23.2 billion in 2022. The market value is expected to reach USD 31.6 billion by 2028, with a growth rate of 5.4 percent during the period 2023-2028.

Reports also reveals that China is the largest exporter of tea and the largest market for tea in the world. The Chinese market is estimated at almost USD 100 billion with sales for in-home and out-home consumption valued at retail prices. India is ranked second with total sales of USD 15.7 billion. Japan, the United States and Brazil are in the top five list.

Global Tea Market, 2012-2025

Global Tea Market 2012-2025

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Snehal Singh

Assistant Manager - Research