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Everything You Should Know about Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is an erythrogenic bowler disease in the large intestine or inflammation in the digestive tract. It causes ulcers, inflammation, and irritation in the edges of the large intestine. There is no proper cure for this bowler disease but it can be controlled with the help of the right treatment.

Ulcerative colitis generally happens to those people who have a very weak immunity system or when your immune system makes any miscalculation. Usually, it’s the job of white blood cells to protect the lining of the colon and instead of protecting it starts attacking the lining of the colon and as a result, it causes ulcers and inflammation.

Who are at high risk of getting ulcerative colitis?

There are few things that can increase the risk of ulcerative colitis.

  •         Stress and foods - There is no evidence that stress and food can cause ulcerative colitis but it can set off ulcerative colitis

  •         Background – The people from the Ashkenazi Jewish Decent are at high risk

  •         Age groups - Ulcerative colitis generally occurs in the younger people, aged between 15 to 20, and to the older people of 60 years or more.

  •         Family medical history – If any of your family members or relative is suffering from ulcerative colitis then there are 30% more chances of getting ulcerative colitis.

Kinds of Ulcerative Colitis

There are different types of ulcerative colitis depending upon the part of the body where it appears.

  •         Proctosigmoiditis – Proctosigmoiditis which is also known as the sigmoid colon, basically takes place in the rectum and at the bottom of your colon. It causes diarrhea, pain, and cramps in the belly.

  •         Pancolitis – Pancolitis mostly strike the whole colon and as a result, it causes severe pain, fatigue, bloody diarrhea, and continuous weight loss

  •         Ulcerative Proctitis – Ulcerative proctitis happens in the rectum and causes rectal bleeding.

  •         Acute severe ulcerative colitis – Acute severe ulcerative colitis is a very sparse condition, it affects the larger part of the colon and it causes fever, bleeding, extreme pain, and bloody diarrhea

  •         Left-sided colitis – Left sides colitis is an inflammation that starts from the rectum and ended on the left side of the colon. It causes huge weight loss and bloody diarrhea

Other related symptoms or problems of ulcerative colitis

Bloody diarrhea is the most common symptom of ulcerative colitis but there are few more symptoms that indicate that you are suffering from ulcerative colitis

  •         Loss of appetite

  •         Dehydration

  •         A sense of sores or joint pain

  •         Pain in the eyes whenever you are looking at brighter lights

  •         Soreness in skin

  •         Not able to control your stool

  •         Feeling tired

  •         Bleeding with the movement of bowler

  •         Canker sores

  •         Cramps in the belly

  •         Sudden weight loss


However, these symptoms of ulcerative colitis can come and go away and come back again after an interval, the interval period can extend up to a week or year.

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