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Electric Truck: The Future of Transportation

Fully electric trucks will start selling in the United States and many other countries soon. It's a big deal. As battery technology improves and costs drop, electric trucks are catching up to diesel-powered ones on price, range, and ease of maintenance. 

So what do you need to know about these new vehicles?  

1) They're not like traditional trucks. The first thing to know is that electric truck manufacturers are still experimenting with vehicle designs and ranges because the market is so new - which means it's important for you to do your homework before selecting a vehicle! 

2) They're short-range vehicles (yet). The average electric truck is about the length of a Honda Fit, so they don't require garages or long parking lots. However, if you have a need for longer ranges than 300 miles, you may want to look at larger vehicles like the Tesla Model S instead. 

3) They're usually somewhat expensive. While competition in trucks is low, the trucks are still very expensive (on average about $100,000). That can be made up with tax credits (for both California and Federal Government-owned vehicles), free transportation from large U-Haul facilities via renting on-demand, and leasing deals from eHighway startup Predix Systems (an EV/HVAC company) . 

4) They're fast. The typical electric truck ranges between 30-60mph, which is fine as long as you have a way to pump it up to your destination. Truck batteries are designed for long ranges and quick recharging, so if you need a truck fast, check out models with gasoline-electric or compressed natural gas (CNG) engines. 

5) They're usually green. The trucks are designed to be emission-free, making them great for the environment. And because of that, they're popular with corporations who want to help cut down on pollution while saving money. 

Electric trucks are the future of transportation. It's a no-brainer for companies and truckers — electrifying trucks is cheaper in the long term, and it doesn't require a dependence on expensive gasoline. Here's how electric trucks work, why they're such an excellent investment, and what you'll need to know about them if you plan on driving one! 

A trucking company may not be the first thing that comes to mind when imagining clean-energy technologies. But with businesses across industries grappling with high fuel prices and environmental impacts, electric trucks have emerged as an attractive option to help save money without sacrificing performance. 

As the market for electric trucks grows, and cities move to reduce vehicle pollution, the U.S. Department of Transportation has said it plans to make a push toward electrification. That's why over the next decade we can expect to see an uptick in electric truck adoption across industries — with new rules and policies designed to encourage more businesses to adopt clean technology. 

Because of their obvious benefits, businesses are turning towards electric trucks in growing numbers. SMART Technologies estimates that more than 2 million Class 8 trucks are currently running on diesel, which makes up about 80% of the heavy duty trucking market in North America.

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