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Bone Spur Treatment: Assessing the Current Status

bone spur industry brief

A bone spur is simply a small, calcium deposit that can form on the outside of a joint. They are not dangerous and usually don't cause any symptoms. Bone spurs happen when the surface of a joint is affected by arthritis or other similar conditions. The bone will start to break down and new deposits will be added to its surface, forming into what is referred to as a bone spur if they poke out from the side of the joint capsule. They can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous).

The most common location for bone spurs is the spine, due to degenerative disc disease. Bone spurs on the spine create problems when they start to stick out from the spinal canal or nerve roots. When this happens they can cause severe back pain and even numbness or tingling in the legs and arms if they affect spinal nerves.
Another common place for bone spurs is around a joint such as the ankle, due to ankle arthritis. Those who have been suffering from persistent back pain, it might be time to have a consultation with a doctor. Back pain is often caused by stress, poor posture and the aging process, however approximately 30% of all cases are caused by cartilage or bone spurs which can cause inflammation and irritation in the surrounding tissue. Bone spurs can form on joints such as the back and knees when too much pressure is being placed on that specific joint while cartilage breaks down.
Treatment Options

Bone spurs can usually be treated with anti-inflammatory medication, rest, physical therapy or surgery depending on their severity. Surgery is usually only recommended when other attempts at treatment have failed over an extended period of time.

Misalignment of the spine can cause bone spurs to form. Additionally, if you are suffering from chronic back pain or degenerative disc disease, you may develop bone spurs on the vertebrae in your spine. Degenerative disc disease occurs due to deterioration of the structure of a spinal disc which leads to a narrowing of the height of your spinal column and can also cause nerve compression. Most people who suffer from mild degenerative disc disease will notice no symptoms at all, however, in more severe cases, pain in the lower back is quite common.

In cases of bone spurs on the spine, most will develop between the second lumbar vertebra and the sacrum. The location of these bone spurs can vary in terms of where they are formed from. Spine pain often occurs due to a combination of factors like bad posture and degenerative disc disease.


Pain at the L4-5 level on the left side and in the anterior or above parts of your lower back and buttocks if you are right handed. The pain may be experienced if you bend forward or lean forward while sitting, lifting something heavy, bending over or lying down. Pain may also occur when bearing weight on your left leg or when walking frequently in a zigzag pattern.

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