Job Description:-
1. Would be responsible in doing research, writing and editing content for web site & connected company websites;

2. Would be responsible to create News, Articles and Press Releases, technical documentation, etc.

3. Would be responsible to add creative and strategic ideas for online content marketing initiatives;

4. Would be responsible to develop unique content to demonstrate organizations impact on industry;

5. Candidate must have minimum 1 to 2 years of relevant experience;

6. Experience in writing for web, content management and web analysis would be preferred.


in Journalism


Market Research Future® provides innovative tools to help anyone shape and maintain their positions. In the past, we’ve enabled millions of people, from students and entrepreneurs building and managing the world’s most iconic businesses — to take control of respective industry presence like never before. By combining proactive research and reliable analysis, Market Research Future sets new standards of modern research and consulting

Our team is headquartered in Pune, India.

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