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Hydrogen Plays Pivotal Role In Clean Energy Transition

By Shubhendra Anand , 24 January, 2024

The transition to clean energy is considered one of the countries' important goals in 2023. The nations are taking various initiatives that reflect that the clean energy transition is in full swing to achieve at least half its way by the end of 2030. The essential aspects of clean energy transitions are net zero emissions, carbon emissions reduction, and decreasing fossil fuel energy usage. Governments of different nations aim to achieve a clean energy transition by 2050 with transformations in various fields of the environment. Studies have found that next-generation hydrogen visualization will increase the process of clean energy transformation.
According to the results from the study conducted to visualize the atomic state of hydrogen, the team set up an affordable process to observe the atomic form of hydrogen. Hydrogen is free of carbon dioxide; therefore, it is targeted as the primary source for the transition to clean energy. It can be used extensively as an essential energy source to aid clean energy transition. There are several technical procedures to use hydrogen as the important material to shift the energy-based works with zero carbon emissions. Therefore, studying hydrogen's behavior properly is extremely important. Researchers have visualized hydrogen in its atomic states, which proved difficult due to the exceptional nature of the hydrogen.
Based on the study, the researchers derived hydrogen's flow behavior, allowing a more intricate metal analysis. The researchers could study the proper hydrogen diffuser and pure nickel. It helps to conclude that hydrogen depends on the geometrical structure for complete diffusion. This study on the atomic structure of hydrogen and its behavior allows researchers to have better insights into hydrogen behavior. It will help to develop a better understanding of atomic-scale structure to design alloys accordingly. The alloy structure development will help move closer towards hydrogen-based materials, hence enhancing the process of clan energy transition.


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Shubhendra Anand

Head Research