New Stainless Steel Enhances Green Energy Transition in Industrial Sector

By Shubhendra Anand , 14 February, 2024

Stainless steel supports the growth of green energy transition in the environment. The clean energy transition demands sustainable and environmentally friendly materials to integrate into the transition process. Therefore, stainless steel has proven to be efficient in various industrial applications. Researchers developed a new stainless steel named SS-H2 in 2024.

The newly developed stainless steel offers high resistance to corrosion, making it suitable for industrial purposes. The new stainless steel has the property that allows the material to be used, like seawater electrolyzers for hydrogen production. The clean energy transition requires a lot of changes in the industrial sector to set up a transformed face of industry. Since the transition aims to have net zero emissions by the end of 2050, industrial usage can change the business sector with the help of newly developed stainless steel. The use of stainless steel cutbacks on reheating and cooling piped materials while working on it. Stainless steel helps in sustainability development as it has less environmental impact.

According to experts, the new stainless steel SS-H2 differs from the traditional stainless steel in several ways, where durability stands out as promising. The new stainless steel offers many properties, making it suitable for industrial use. It also projects "sequential dual-passivation" that leads to an increase in the durability of the material. Industries are expected to opt for the SS-H2 to support the green energy transition, making it suitable for cost reduction in the business sector. The new development with SS-H2 can lead to multiple benefits in the construction sector, resulting in cost reduction. Another important factor of new stainless steel is its caliber to replace gold and platinum-coated titanium with water electrolyzers. As gold and platinum are expensive metals, stainless steel can be cheaper for specific processes. Therefore, low-cost maintenance, cheaper cost-price, and environmentally friendly features are the main factors behind the enhancement of SS-H2 in the industrial sector. High resistance to corrosion in the SS-H2 leads to the enhancement of green hydrogen production from seawater and other industrial purposes.

New Stainless Steel Enhances Green Energy Transition in Industrial

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Shubhendra Anand

Head Research