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Everything You Need to Know About Folliculitis

It can be both acute and chronic. It can also non-purulent run or with pus formation go hand in hand. Folliculitis is often triggered by bacterial, fungal, or parasite infections. An immune deficiency or medication can cause folliculitis. Head or buttocks are particularly predisposed to folliculitis, mainly through increased sweating in these regions increases folliculitis.

What are the Causes of Folliculitis?

Folliculitis is a different cause triggered. The causes can be both infectious and non-infectious.

  • These two large groups are divided into numerous subgroups. The infectious cause that gives rise to folliculitis is bacteria and it is bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. This bacterium is typically found as part of the normal skin flora. If the skin is injured or there is an immune deficiency, this can lead to the hair follicle's inflammation to lead.

  • Another possible infectious cause of folliculitis is colonization with fungi, the so-called dermatophytes. Viruses such as the herpes simplex virus can also be a cause of folliculitis. Parasites, especially certain types of mites, can also cause infectious folliculitis.

  • These include steroids and so-called thyrosine kinase inhibitors, which can be used as part of cancer therapy. Also, hair growth disorders or disorders of Hautverhornung may come as a cause of folliculitis into consideration.

  • A congenital immunodeficiency or an immunodeficiency caused by the use of immunosuppressive drugs can equally cause the development of folliculitis. As with all inflammations, folliculitis also has the classic symptoms of inflammation.

What are the Symptoms of Folliculitis?

  • These symptoms of inflammation present themselves as redness, swelling, and overheating of the affected area. Folliculitis can also be very painful. These often present themselves in the middle of the pustule with a single hair, which is typical for this disease since the hair follicle is ultimately affected by folliculitis. Some forms of folliculitis not only lead to inflammation of the hair follicles.

  • In the context of so-called folliculitis declarants, inflammation first occurs, then crust formation, and finally scarred healing, which causes hairless areas. In the event of fungal skin infestation, additional scales can form in the inflamed area. Folliculitis is the preliminary stage of a boil. The terms "boil" and "abscess" are used as synonyms. But there are some apparent distinguishing features.

The diagnosis of folliculitis is typically a visual diagnosis for the doctor.

If the diagnosis is not so evident and easy to make, or if folliculitis occurs repeatedly, systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus or immunodeficiency should be excluded as the cause of folliculitis. Sometimes it is difficult to diagnose because the folliculitis does not necessarily present itself with the classic symptoms but also shows a few other symptoms such as scarred healing. In some cases, a Sample biopsy of the affected area may be useful.

Final Words

Finally, it is essential to think about adequate personal hygiene as an essential pillar of folliculitis treatment. It is vital to ensure that moist skin areas should be kept as dry as possible.

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